WdOpen is a utility developed with Windev 16 to open a project Windev, Webdev or Windev Mobile with the version that created it.
To use it :
- Download the file "WdOpen.zip"
- Unzip in "C: \ Program Files" or equivalent
- Associate the extension ".wdp" to WdOpen.exe,
for example using "Open With" from the right-click the extension .wdp
or "Default Programs> Set Associations" in the Control Panel
and associate "WdOpen.exe" for extension ".wdp"
- Associating, in the same way, the extensions ".WWP" and ".wpp" to WdOpen.exe
respectively for "Webdev" and "Windev Mobile", if necessary
WdOpen allows the opening of projects with all versions Windev, WebDev and WinDev Mobile installed.